Landscape Photography
My real journey and love for landscape photography has really grown over the last 4 years. After a period of not so great mental health, I needed to be doing activities that I fully enjoyed and that made me happy and photography was my go to, my escape really. The joy that you experience when the shot that you have planned for some time comes off is just the best. I live for the times when I look at the back of the camera and think to myself, 'Laura did you take that image?' Don’t get me wrong there are times you think to yourself ‘just quit now,’ but that’s the same with most things in life, not every day is a walk in the park. Most of the images that you will see within my portfolio are from home, Northern Ireland. That is because I love to show off the beauty that is right on our doorsteps. I think sometimes when you become familiar with a place you can take it for granted but only when you step back and take it all in do you really realise the beauty of it. A lot of my work also is Scotland based with having spent a lot of time there over the last few years, with my significant other being Scottish and a talented landscape photographer himself. It truly is a breathtaking country and one I can’t wait to explore further over the coming months and years. With the Isle of Skye being right at the top of my list. I also cannot wait to take my camera further a field as well and explore some new countries, Iceland, Norway and Japan being a few of the places I dream of visiting.