Why is it important to invest in professional photographs?

Have you ever wondered to yourself what the point is in having a photoshoot done, whether it be a family session, a newborn shoot or a children’s session. Well I am here to tell you why. Let me first tell you a story of how photography and more so photographs became so important to me and why still to this day I photograph everything.

We lost two very important people in our family within the space of six months, my Grandparents. ❤️ Two of the kindest, most caring people I have ever known. Whenever I was growing up and we went to visit them, at the top of their stairs they had a bunch of different photographs from special memories over the years. One photograph always stood out to me. I can’t put my finger on why I loved it so much but I knew that it was a special occasion, that my Granny and Granda were both looking their best and that, most importantly, they looked happy. I remember thinking how beautiful it was that we would always have that photograph, no matter what. Fast forward the years, that photograph is still to this day one of the most important things I own. That photograph is more than ‘just a photograph’ to me. It’s a memory, not my memory but my Granny and Granda’s and it helps to keep their memory alive and to remind me everyday how blessed I was to have special Grandparents like them.

So why should you invest in professional photographs? There are three main reasons to do so. The first is so that you can be present in the moment. What do I mean by that, well you might think to yourself, I’ll just take the photographs myself and be done with it but why do that when you could have a professional capture those special memories for you. Someone that will allow you to participate in the photoshoot. Every time you look back at the photographs you will so glad that you invested in someone to allow you to be involved in pictures. Let’s be real we don’t have time machines in this life (unfortunately 🙄) but a photograph is the closest thing we have to that. It is a moment frozen in time forever. Invest in photographs, invest in moments.

Family portrait, taken on location at Murlough Beach, Newcastle, Co. Down.

Second reason why I think it is important to invest in professional photographs is for the experience itself. Whether it be a shoot on location or in the studio a photoshoot is a new experience for most people and a beautiful one to share, perhaps as a family. I realise that not all of us are fans of getting our photographs taken but I promise to make the whole experience as enjoyable and stress free as possible. From enquiry to end product I will be there every step of the way. You might even think after it I must book in for next year. 😉

Third and final reason that I feel this is something which is so important is the most obvious and that is for the memory itself. Just as I still have the beautiful photograph of my Granny and Granda to look at and admire every day, you too would be documenting memories to hold on to and to look back on in years to come. That for me is the most important thing and really is the true value of photography.

If you have made it this far I thank you for taking the time to read this, my first blog post. I trust that this will have give you something to think about. If you are interested in having your moments captured forever, please just get in touch, I will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

Until the next one, thanks again for reading. 🖤

Laura x
